
Showing posts from August 14, 2020

Operating Systems Networks

Computer education means gaining basic knowledge and skills to operate computers in order to perform desired jobs. Computer Education not only involves basic knowledge about computer, computer education extends to various branches of study in various fields and sectors. Operating Systems The operating system is a complex collection of many programs concerned with keeping the hardware and software components of a computer system coordinated and functioning. It is like a shop keeper who keeps a shop in order by attending to customers, handling supplier deliveries, stocking the shelves, doing the bookkeeping, and so on. The operating system is software; the same hardware can be used with many different operating systems (although only one at a time.) Sometimes the operating system on a computer becomes corrupted (perhaps because of a computer virus) and must be tediously re-installed. Until it is up and running again, other programs will not be available. Starting a Program

Software And Types of Programs

Computer education means gaining basic knowledge and skills to operate computers in order to perform desired jobs. Computer Education not only involves basic knowledge about computer, computer education extends to various branches of study in various fields and sectors. Software A computer that is dedicated to running a program that controls another device is an  embedded system . An embedded system is usually embedded inside the device it controls. Usually they run just one program that is permanently kept in a special kind of main memory called ROM (for Read Only Memory). More processor chips are sold per year for embedded systems than for all other purposes. Software  is the programs and data that a computer uses. Software is kept on some hardware device such as a hard disk or floppy disk, but it itself is intangible. Say that you have a floppy disk with a program saved on it. Now say that you erase the program from the disk. The atoms and molecules of the disk are the sam

Input and Output Devices

Computer education means gaining basic knowledge and skills to operate computers in order to perform desired jobs. Computer Education not only involves basic knowledge about computer, computer education extends to various branches of study in various fields and sectors. Input and Output Devices Input and output devices allow the computer system to interact with the outside world by moving data  into  and  out of  the system. An  input device  is used to bring data into the system. Some input devices are: Keyboard Mouse Microphone Bar code reader Graphics tablet An  output device  is used to send data out of the system. Some output devices are: Monitor Printer Speaker Input/output devices are usually called I/O devices. They are directly connected to an electronic module inside the systems unit called a  device controller . For example, the speakers of a multimedia computer system are directly connected to a device controller called an audio card (such as a Soun

History of Computers

Computer education means gaining basic knowledge and skills to operate computers in order to perform desired jobs. Computer Education not only involves basic knowledge about computer, computer education extends to various branches of study in various fields and sectors. History of Computers This chapter is a brief summary of the history of Computers. It is supplemented by the two PBS documentaries video tapes "Inventing the Future" And "The Paperback Computer". The chapter highlights some of the advances to look for in the documentaries. In particular, when viewing the movies you should look for two things: The progression in hardware representation of a bit of data: Vacuum Tubes (1950s) - one bit on the size of a thumb; Transistors (1950s and 1960s) - one bit on the size of a fingernail; Integrated Circuits (1960s and 70s) - thousands of bits on the size of a hand Silicon computer chips (1970s and on) - millions of bits on the size of a finger na